donderdag, augustus 25, 2005

Bardo Pond

Strakke band en interesting site, met vele links/ animaties/ muziek , op een gegeven moment sta je zelfs op de pyramides in egypte om je heen te kijken :
Fascinerende bandnaam ook, waarover dit stukje op hun 'hummingboard mountain-site' :

' “Bardo” comes from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and “pond” just sounded cool in conjunction with the other word. Bardo is the point where a soul arrives upon its corporal body as it is dying. During the course of the Bardo there is a determination as to where the soul will then proceed to, based upon the soul’s prior life experiences. This moment and place was determined to be a good place for fishing, hence “pond” was added to the name. For more on this and an illustrative history of the early days and formation of the band, Hummingbird Mountain suggests that you read the educational and informative article written on the band that was featured in issues 30 and 31 of the Ptolemaic Terrascope.'

Bijna alles wat ze uitbrengen is in mijn ogen bizonder, maar meestgedraaide album blijft toch 'Amanita' (verwijzing naar hallucinogene shroom, klik albumtitel voor meer info).